Yoga Aasans One Has to do Daily

Yoga Aasans One Has to do Daily: Who ever maybe Young, Middle Aged, Old, Man, Woman, its for human beings to be in there utmost healthy conditions. One has to add these 12 Aasans in your daily routine. Instructions given by Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev.

I Found this Description as a Comment by some unknown person, but this is only a comment and baseless have to do your own homework.

I am not a Baba. But I can tell some simple facts.

1. The physical yoga is not ancient as it is claimed. Apart from just 4 asanas mentioned in Shiva Samhita (15th century), most were added later in this 21st century by yoga expert BKS Iyengar.

2. The metabolic activity while doing Yoga is worse than, when one is walking.

3. Surya Namaskar is less than 100 years old, and is not Yoga, but an exercise devised by an Indian King who was interested in body building.

4. Breathing Yoga was earlier used to get a "kick/euphoria" by depriving the brain of Oxygen/CO2.

5. Yoga asanas does not have any impact on heart/liver/brain/cancer as widely claimed

6. Closing left and right nostril alternately and inhaling has no meaning, since both nostrils open into a single nasal cavity, thus demolishing the concept of Ida, Pingala and Kundalini. So, in short , Yoga is a superstition, which is promoted by some.



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